Volunteer of the Year Award
Aim of the Award:
Following the success of the inaugural Volunteer of the Year Award in 2023, BASES will continue, in 2024, to recognise all of the hard work and dedication that BASES receives from all the volunteers working on behalf of the Association. We understand that many members devote much time and energy to their role and are not seeking recognition. However, BASES would not be where it is, were it not for this contribution. As such, we would like to show our appreciation, and to commit to recognising members who contribute in the future.
Number Offered: Five - BASES Volunteer of the Year – 2024; BASES Volunteer (Member) – 2024; BASES Volunteer (Member) Runner-up; BASES Volunteer (Committee Member) – 2024; BASES Volunteer (Committee Member) Runner-up.
Target BASES Membership Category: Professional member, Graduate member, and Student Member
Application Open Date: 3 June 2024
Application Closing Date: Noon 19 August 2024
Nominate a member for this Award: click here for the nomination form
Results Available: Within eight weeks of the application closing date.
Award prizes:
BASES Volunteer of the Year – 2024 will receive one full covered place at the 2024 BASES Conference (Two-day package (all sessions across Wednesday 20 and Thursday 21 November 2024), including accommodation (on Wednesday 20 November 2024) and gala dinner (evening of Wednesday 20 November 2024).
The BASES Volunteer (Member and Committee Member) – 2024 will receive free BASES membership subscription for one year.
The BASES Volunteer (Member and Committee Member) Runner-up will receive a Certificate.
BASES Volunteer of the Year 2023 Winner:
"In 2023 BASES recognised my contribution to the Association through both the volunteer and committee member of the year awards.
Receiving these awards was a great honour and gave me the opportunity to thank all those I have worked with on several BASES projects including those related to AI, climate change, the pandemic and external affairs & government policy.
Science, sport, and health have always benefited from the contribution made by volunteers. By recognising those who give freely of their time the Association is encouraging the next generation of volunteers to grow the profession whilst at the same time building their own experience and networks."
- Andy Smith. MBE. PhD. CSci. FBASES. SFHEA.

Nomination categories:
The qualifying categories are:
a) Members
b) Committee members (including members serving on the Board, a Standing Committee, an Advisory Group or a Special Interest Group Steering Committee.)
A guide to making your nomination:
The judging panel will be looking for different attributes for each of the two categories within sections 4 and 5 of the nomination form. Please use the notes below as a guide to what will be considered and give as many clear examples as possible to support your nomination.
Section 4: Why do you feel this person deserves recognition within BASES?
Member: A strong advocate of BASES, participates in BASES activities, demonstrates the BASES values and behaviours, encourages others to become members or join BASES activities – please give clear examples
Committee Member: Has held various offices, is pro-active across the Association and within a Division, assists others, organises events and activities, drives forward key projects, demonstrates the BASES values and behaviours, – please give details of positions held and for how long, how they are proactive or assist others and any outstanding achievements.
Section 5: Personal Qualities
Please refer to the BASES Values, Commitments and Behaviours
Member: Enthusiasm, motivation, reliability, flexibility, creativity, positivity, supportive – please give clear examples
Committee Member: Supportive, team player, enthusiasm, positive attitude, empathy, understanding, respect, loyalty, motivation, innovation, hard-working, problem solving, good communicator – please give clear examples.
Nomination process:
Members can nominate BASES members via this form.
Please ask the nominee’s permission to enter them for this Award.
Please send nominations to: enquiries@bases.org.uk. Please mark the email as confidential and in the subject header include BASES Volunteer of the Year 2024.
Certificates and prizes will be awarded to the respective category (BASES Volunteer of the Year – 2024; BASES Volunteer (Member) – 2024; BASES Volunteer (Member) Runner-up; BASES Volunteer (Committee Member) – 2024; BASES Volunteer (Committee Member) Runner-up) and will be chosen, from all entries, by a judging panel, appointed by the Board, whose decision will be final.
The presentation will be made in November at the Gala Dinner within the Annual Conference in Coventry.
Full details of the category winners will be published on the website and within the next edition of The Sport and Exercise Scientist.
Nominations received after the closing date will not be eligible for consideration.